DougMenu Menuing Software Version 1.77 Released December 14, 1994 Revised Terms of Use March 31,1995 Program and documentation are copyright 1991-1995 Douglas Bell [Revised Terms of Use for DougMenu v1.77] This version of DougMenu is a freeware product. It should be distributed at no charge, besides that of a reasonable media fee when applicable. It may also be distributed as part of a published software collection by vendors who sell collections of shareware programs. No one should ever charge a fee for the program by itself. Users are free to modify the DougMenu package for their own use and are allowed to install a modified DougMenu package on any number of computers within a single business or organization. However, any business or organization which does this should retain at least one unaltered copy of the DougMenu distribution package. THERE IS NO WARRANTY, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, FOR DOUGMENU. WHILE THE AUTHOR HAS ATTEMPTED TO PRODUCE AN ERROR FREE PROGRAM, THE AUTHOR ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DAMAGE THAT THIS PROGRAM MIGHT CAUSE. Contacting the Author] I am always interested in hearing bug reports, feature requests, and things like that. I can be reached in any of the following ways: email: telephone: +1 216 371 7772 post: Douglas Bell 1726 Coventry Road #3 Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44118-1130 U.S.A. [Obtaining New Versions] I have an official ftp site for DougMenu. The newest versions of DougMenu can be found on in the /pub/dougmenu directory. There is also a DougMenu World Wide Web home page. The URL for this document is: Also, included at the end of this document is a DougMenu order form. This offers several plans where you pay me money, and I make sure you have the newest version of DougMenu. [Table of Contents] Terms of Use for DougMenu v1.77 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Contacting the Author . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Obtaining New Versions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 What is Dougmenu? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 What Is New in Version 1.77 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Installing DougMenu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Configuring DougMenu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Further Modifying DMENU.BAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Starting a Menu Script. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Writing a Simple Menu Script. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 What Do Menus Look Like When They Are Displayed?. . . . . . . . . .7 Positioning Menus & Choosing Menu Colors. . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Advanced Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Parsing Commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 External Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Execution Commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Logging Out of Netware Servers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Order Form. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 This document assumes a certain degree of familiarity with MS-DOS based computing. It is intended as a reference for a PC administrator instead of a tutorial for a neophyte user. Information about obtaining a more complete manual is available at the end of this document. [What is Dougmenu?] DougMenu is a simple, easy to use menuing system for MS-DOS compatible computers. DougMenu was originally created as a replacement for the menu software that came with Novell Netware. Since then it has evolved into a powerful software package that can be used on networked or stand alone PC's. DougMenu requires 100k of disk space, 256k of memory, and MS-DOS version 3.3 or higher compatibility. [Features] Here are some reasons why you might want to use Dougmenu: 1. No memory overhead when launching applications. 2. Supports many different languages. 3. Built-in screen saver that won't conflict with TSR programs. 4. Can run TSR programs without fragmenting memory. 5. Controls user access. 6. Full mouse support. 7. User input capabilities. 8. Aware of Novell networks. 9. Minimal batch file litter. 10. Easily customized colors and layouts. 11. Small, Fast, & Free! [What Is New In Version 1.77] Well, there aren't any new script language commands in version 1.77, but there are many new things included with this release. 1. I fixed the problem with nesting #if_username statements. 2. I fixed the problem using the #if_exist statement in executable text. 3. I fixed the problem that caused menu scripts to be displayed as the screen backdrop file when using the 1.2 pre-release NLM Netware requester for DOS with menu scripts that had #include commands looking at a network drives. I'm sorry it took so long to track this one down, but I had a devil of a time reproducing the problem. 4. I made a nifty new documentation file. I had to delay the release of 1.77 two days because I was trying to make sure this documentation looked at least somewhat professional. I'm starting to think that writing good documentation is harder than writing good code. 5. I wanted to announce the WWW home page and ftp site. 6. I also wanted to announce the new DougMenu registration options, products and services. [Installing DougMenu] Before you can use DougMenu, you have to install it. Installing DougMenu is as simple as copying the distribution package files into a directory on your computer or server. The file FILES.LST that comes in the DougMenu distribution package lists all of files that should be in the package. You are not required to copy all the files into the directory if you don't want to do so. See the [Terms of Use] section at the beginning of this document for details. There are four files which are crucial to the workings of DougMenu. Two files, DMENU.BAT and DOUGMENU.EXE come in the distribution package. The third is a menu script which you will need to create after installing DougMenu, and the fourth is a temporary batch file which will be created by DougMenu. [Configuring DougMenu] Once the DougMenu files have been placed in a directory, DougMenu needs to be configured. To configure DougMenu, edit the DMENU.BAT batch file. Two lines need to be adjusted to make DougMenu work. These lines are marked with the '*' character in the following listing: @echo off if %1.==. goto error ** set t=c:\temp.fil :loop ** c:\menu\dougmenu.exe %1 %2 %3 if errorlevel==2 %t% if errorlevel==1 goto quit call %t% goto loop :error echo No menu script was specified. :quit set t= The "set t=" line tells DougMenu where it can make a temporary batch file. Change this line so that the 't' environment variable is assigned a value which is a valid drive, path, and filename on your computer system. The name of the temporary file name should end with the extension ".fil". The line that run DOUGMENU.EXE needs to know where DougMenu was installed on your computer system. Edit DMENU.BAT so that the location of DOUGMENU.EXE is correctly indicated in the batch file. [Further Modifying DMENU.BAT] DMENU.BAT is just a DOS batch file and can be edited into many different working configurations. Feel free to change DMENU.BAT in any way that will help your system. Here are some possible configurations: 1) If you want to make sure that a user goes to a specific directory before running any application, insert a "cd" command after the :loop label in the DMENU.BAT file. 2) If you want to show a broadcast a message every time the menu system is started, you could use the DOS "type" command followed by a "pause" command at the beginning of the DMENU.BAT file to do this. 3) If you are using a Novell Netware network and you want to consolidate temporary batch files into a single shared directory on the server, place the connection number into a DOS environment variable in the server login script. Then, use this variable in the file name of the temporary batch file when setting the 't' environment variable. (e.g. set t=u:\apps\menu\temp%connection%.fil ) [Starting a Menu Script] After DougMenu is configured for your system, you will need a menu script. Menu scripts are used by DOUGMENU.EXE to create a user interface. The DougMenu distribution package comes with a sample menu script called SAMPLE.MNU. To use this menu script, run DMENU.BAT with a command line parameter that specifies the drive, path, and file name of the menu script. (e.g. dmenu u:\apps\menu\sample.mnu) It is important to specify the drive and path when starting a menu script. You might have noticed that this menu script has the extension ".MNU". Menu scripts don't have to end in with this extension. However, if DougMenu is given a menu script name without an extension and it can't find the script file, DougMenu will try looking for the same file again, but with the ".MNU" extension. [Writing a Simple Menu Script] A DougMenu menu script is plain text file that can be created with any text editor. Menu scripts are used by DougMenu to display a user interface. The basic building block of a DougMenu menu script is called a menu structure. All DougMenu menu scripts must contain at least one of these structures. A menu structure begins with a declaration line that starts with a '%', (e.g. %My First Menu). Lines following the '%' menu declaration line are the body of the menu structure. In the body, there are lines that start right away with text and there are lines which are indented and have spaces or tabs before any text. The non-indented lines in the menu body are the "items" of the menu. They will be displayed as visible lines on the menu when the menu is displayed. Each item line is usually followed with one or more indented lines of text. These sets of indented lines are called "blocks of executable text" or just "executable text." The content of the item lines should be descriptive so as to tell a user what action they can expect if they select the item. The blocks of executable text contain scripted actions associated with the menu items. The commands in the executable text are usually just DOS batch file commands. The following basic menu script illustrates the declaration of a menu structure, menu items, and blocks of executable text: %My First Menu My First Option echo This was my first option pause Subtitle Option WordPerfect 5.1 d: cd \documents c:\wp51\wp.exe Notice that the second item, "Subtitle Option", is not followed by any executable text. When this is the case, the item will not be selectable and will be displayed as a subtitle in the menu window. When a script is started, the first menu structure in the menu script will be displayed. Other menu structures can be accessed from the items in the first menu. To create a link from an item to a menu, the executable text for the item should contain a line that begins with a '%' character followed by the title of the menu to be opened. This is demonstrated in the following listing: %The first menu Launch another menu %another menu Another Option echo This is normal executable text pause %Another Menu Its Items echo More batch file stuff. pause Items on secondary menus can open even more menus. By linking many menus together, menu scripts can become very large. Menu script size is only limited by free conventional memory. A good rule of thumb is that your menu scripts should be no larger than free conventional memory less 100k bytes. This leaves plenty of room for some very large menu scripts on most systems. But while a script can become very large and can contain a very large number of menu structures, the current display engine in DougMenu limits the number of menus that can be viewed at one time to 10 menu windows. If a user wants to open another menu, he will have to close one of the windows that is already open. [What Do Menus Look Like When They Are Displayed?] The easiest way to discover what menu windows look like when they are displayed is to run a few sample menu scripts. If you run the SAMPLE.MNU menu script, you will see what the menu windows look like, as well as see some other features of the display screen such as the header box and the footer bar. These things should be fairly intuitive when you view the sample menu. [Positioning Menus & Choosing Menu Colors] The default way that menu windows are displayed is with a blue and white color scheme and centered in the middle of the screen. However when declaring a menu structure, optional parameters can be placed after the menu title on the declaration line to change the position or color scheme. These parameters come after the menu title and are offset by commas like this: %Menu Title,,, The and parameters will position the upper left corner of the menu window relative to the upper left corner of the screen. There is an exception to this. A value of 255 will center the menu with respect to that axis. So the following menu declaration: %Horizontally Centered Menu,255,5 would cause the menu to be centered horizontally and be 5 lines down from the top of the screen. Since the centering is the default behavior, the same effect could be created like this: %Another Horizontally Centered Menu,,5 DougMenu limits the places where a menu can be placed. Menu windows cannot be located on the header box or on the footer bar. Menus cannot be located off the edge of the screen, either. DougMenu will try to place the menu as close as possible to the requested position in these situations. The positioning parameters can be omitted entirely if you just want to specify the color palette. The following example shows how to set the palette for a menu without affecting where the menu is positioned: %Colored Menu,,,3 The parameter should be a value between 0 and 9. The default blue and white color scheme is palette is 0. If no palette is specified when a menu structure is declared, it will be drawn using the default palette. Palettes 8 and 9 are used for monochrome display adapters. If DougMenu detects a monochrome display adapter, it will use palettes 8 and 9 for the menus and ignore the parameter on all menus. [Advanced Commands] DougMenu provides many advanced commands which can be used to modify the user interface or to make a menu script more flexible. The advanced commands in DougMenu can be divided into three categories; parsing commands, external commands, and execution commands. [Parsing Commands] Parsing commands affect the way that DOUGMENU.EXE reads a menu script. All parsing commands are evaluated as the menu script is read and before any menus are displayed. The action of parsing commands depends on their location within the menu script. All parsing commands other than the semi-colon comments cannot be indented. ; Semi-colons are used to delimit script comments. DougMenu will ignore semicolon characters and any text that follows on the same line. This can cause trouble with the DOS "path" and "assign" commands. See #comments and #nocomments. #comments This command restores the comment behavior of semi-colons. See the #nocomments command. #if The DougMenu #if statement is used to skip over or ignore portions of a menu script based on a conditional statement. If the conditional statement is true, DOUGMENU.EXE continues reading the menu script as if nothing happened. If the condition fails, DOUGMENU.EXE will ignore all subsequent menu lines until it finds an #endif or an #else command, after which it will resume parsing the menu script. #if statements can be nested. If a failed #if statement is followed by another #if statement, DougMenu will skip ahead one #endif statement for the nested #if command, and then look for another #endif statement to close the first #if command before resuming the script. There are three ways in which the conditional statements can be constructed. #if == The parser will continue parsing the menu script if the two strings are identical. DOS environment variables may be used in these strings. #if != As above except the parser will continue parsing only if the two string are not equal. #if Will continue parsing the menu script if the string contains any text. #if_member [!][servername/] The parser will continue parsing the menu script if the computer is currently connected to a Netware server as a member of the specified group. If the group name is preceded by an '!' character, parsing will continue only if the computer is not connected to a Netware server as a member of the group. #if_username [!][servername/] The parser will continue parsing the menu script if the computer is currently connected to a Netware server as the specified user. If the specified user name is preceded by an '!' character, parsing will continue only if the computer is not connected to a Netware server as the user. #if_exist [!] The parser will continue parsing the menu script if the specified directory or file exists. If the parameter string begins with an '!', the parser will continue parsing the menu script only if the specified directory or file does not exist. To check for the existence of a drive letter, search for a directory called '.' ( e.g. #if_exist d:. ) #endif This is used to close an #if statement. If it is superfluous, it will be ignored. #else If the last #if statement failed, this will cause parsing to continue at this point. If the last #if statement was a success, then this will make the parser skip forward until the next #endif or #else statement is found. #include = [.mnu] This command causes the text of the specified file to be parsed at this point as if it were part of the primary script. Once the text of the included file is parsed, DOUGMENU.EXE will return to reading the original file. #included scripts can #include other scripts, but do not nest scripts more than five levels deep. If the menu script file name can't be found, Dougmenu will look for the file with a ".mnu" extension. If the file still cannot be found an error message will be generated. #include_if_exist = [.mnu] As above accept no error message will be generated if the file cannot be found. #nocomments This command will make DougMenu treat semicolons as normal text instead of as comment delimiters. Use this if you need to put an "assign" or "path" command in a block of executable text. See the #comments command. [External Commands] External commands provide a wide range of general functionality. It is recommended that all external commands be placed at the top of the script to avoid confusion, although they can also be placed between or after the menu structures. Most external commands that have text string or file name parameters will evaluate any DOS environment variables found in the parameters. Some external commands require color values. Here is a list of possible color values: 0 - black 8 - dark grey 1 - blue 9 - lt. blue 2 - green 10 - lt. green 3 - cyan 11 - lt. cyan 4 - red 12 - lt. red 5 - magenta 13 - lt. magenta 6 - brown 14 - yellow 7 - lt.grey 15 - white Only the first 8 color values should be used as background colors. The second 8 colors repeat the first 8 colors but cause the foreground color to flash. I didn't plan it this way. That's just how PC's like to work. #backdrop color = , This command accepts two color values. These values will change the color of the backdrop that is displayed behind the menu windows. #backdrop char = This command can be used to change the character that is displayed in the backdrop. Most DOS manuals include a list of character code values in an appendix. Try using a value of 1 for an interesting effect. #backdrop file = This command can be used to display an ascii or ansi text file as a backdrop for the DougMenu user interface. #cascade [= ,] This changes the default menu placement to 10,5 and causes all menus to be 'stair stepped' or cascaded down from that location. The x_vector and y_vector determine how far each window will be offset from previous menu window. The default vector is 4,1. This command can be followed by "#default placement" to change the default position to something other than 10,5. This command should be located before any menu structures. #default placement = , This option sets the default placement of all menu windows. A position value of 255 will cause windows to be centered with respect to that axis. This command should be located before any menu structures. #default palette = The palette number changes the default palette for any menu structures parsed after this point in the script. This statement will be ignored if DougMenu detects a monochrome display adapter. This command should be located before any menu structures. #display[,,,] "Text to be displayed" "Text to be displayed" ... This will display a text box on the DougMenu backdrop when the user interface is started. Text boxes are inert and cannot be selected. The #display should be followed with lines of indented text which start and end with the quote character. The text block following the #display command will be displayed in the box. The display box will size itself according to the number of lines and the longest line of text. Each line will be centered horizontally inside the box. #error palette = The parameter changes the palette for all error message boxes. The default error palette is 2. This statement will be ignored on computers with monochrome display adapters. #f = executable text executable text ... This defines an action for a function key. The number parameter should be the number of the function key ( 1-10 ). When a function key is defined, a footer bar is added to the DougMenu user interface on the bottom line of the screen. The string parameter will be used to display a description of the function key on the footer bar. This command should be followed with lines of indented executable text as if it were a menu item. #footer color = , This command accepts two color values. These values will change the color of the footer bar at the bottom of the screen. The footer bar will only be displayed if a function key is defined with the "#f" command. #footer highlight = , This command accepts two color values. These values will change the color of a selected item on the footer bar. See the #palette command for possible color values. #header message = The string in this statement will replace the DougMenu version message in the header box. #header palette = The parameter changes the palette for the header box. The default header palette is 1. This statement will be ignored on computers with monochrome display adapters. #key [,] executable text executable text ... This defines an action for keystrokes which have regular or extended DOS keyboard codes. DOS keyboard codes are usually listed in an appendix of most DOS manuals. To use an extended key code values, place the extended key code value after "0,". This command should be followed with lines of indented executable text as if it were a menu item. #language This command allows the DougMenu user interface to be tailored to support languages other than American English. Several language modules come with DougMenu. To use these files, simply add their contents to your script or use the #include command. To create your own language module, translate the lines in the ENGLISH.DML file. Your #language module must have the sample number of lines as the original language module. Do not incorporate DOS environment variables into a language module. The last line on the language definition is the time/date descriptor. This line controls how the time and date string will be displayed on the menus. There are six descriptor words that you can use in this line: day_name day_number month_name month_number 24_time am_pm The default string is: day_name, month_name day_number, am_pm This would display the time and date as: Friday, June 17, 1:31 pm A possible alternative would be: 24_time - day_number/month_number This would display the time and date as: 13:31 - 17/6 ***NOTE*** Do not make a time and date string that will ever be longer than 35 characters in length for some combination of time and date. If you take the time to create a new language module I will include it in the next release of DougMenu if you email it to me along with a brief description. UUencode the file if necessary. #message palette = The parameter changes the default palette for message boxes created with the #display command and other non-error related message boxes. The default message palette is normally 3. This statement will be ignored on computers with monochrome display adapters. #noexit Prevents exiting the menu system via the escape key. #noreturn Normally, after an action which requires a batch file is executed, the menu script is parsed again and all windows that were open when the item was executed are reopened. This command prevents the reopening of windows when the computer returns to the menu program. #notime Prevents the time and date from being displayed in the header box. The time and date will still be used in the default screen saver message. #palette = c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7 This command can be used to redefine any of the DougMenu palettes, 0-9. Each palette is composed of 7 color values. c1 = background color for the window c2 = foreground color for the item text in a window c3 = foreground color for the title text in a window c4 = foreground color for the border of a inactive window c5 = foreground color for the border of an active window c6 = selection bar foreground color c7 = selection bar background color #quickselect Causes the items in menu windows to be displayed in an enumerated fashion. The items in windows can then be selected and executed by pressing the number which corresponds to the item. #saver message = The string that is specified in this statement will replace the time and date for the built in screen saver. See #timer. #shadow [= ,] This command will cause the active window on the screen to have a shadow on the right and bottom side. The optional color value parameters can be used to specify the color of the shadow. The default color values for the shadow are 0,8 (grey on black). #timer [= ] optional executable text optional executable text ... This command defines an action that will occur if DougMenu its idle too long. The default idle time is 10 minutes but this value can be specified using the parameter. If this structure is followed by a block of executable text, the block will be executed like normal executable text when the timer is triggered. If this structure is not followed by executable text, DougMenu will automatically enter screen saver mode instead. The screen will be blanked and the time and date will be drawn on the screen once every minute. See #saver message. [Execution Commands] Execution commands exist inside blocks of executable text. The commands will be indented with spaces or tabs, just like the rest of the executable text. These commands are going to be used along with the batch file statements that commonly make up the bulk of the item executable text. However, except for the #if family of commands and the #exit command, EXECUTION COMMANDS MUST BE PLACED BEFORE ANY BATCH FILE TEXT. % Open a menu window that has the specified title. #ask ,,[,<x_pos>,<y_pos>,<palette_number>] "item name" = stuff to put in the variable "a non-selectable subtitle" "regular item with empty assignment" = ... The ask command creates a query window to receive user input which it assigns to a DougMenu variable. Up to 10 DougMenu variables can be assigned in the course of one item's executable text. Once a DougMenu variable is defined, it cannot be redefined within the same block of executable text. If a user completes or aborts from a block of executable text, all DougMenu variables are cleared. DougMenu variables are accessed just like DOS environment variables. There are two ways the #ask command can be used: 1) If the next line following the #ask command begins with a quote character, the query window will resemble a menu window and will allow the user to select from a list of items. Each selectable item has an associated value that will be assigned to the DougMenu variable if the item is chosen. There are three format types for the body lines of a query window. An example of each format type follows the #ask command prototype above. 2) If the #ask command is not followed by a line that starts with a quote character, the #ask command will open a query window that will allow the user to enter a string. The value the user enters will be assigned to the DougMenu variable name. #display[,<x_position>,<y_position>,<palette_number>] "Text to be displayed" "Text to be displayed" ... This command will display a text box when executed. The box will be filled with the quoted that directly following the #display command line. The window will size itself according to the number of text lines and longest line of text. DougMenu variables and DOS environment variables can be used in the text. Once the box is displayed, DougMenu will wait for a key press before continuing. #exit When this command is encountered, two things can happen, depending on the position of the #exit command in the executable text. If the #exit command was not preceded by any batch file text, DOUGMENU.EXE stops and returns an errorlevel of 1 to DMENU.BAT. This should cause DMENU.BAT to take the user back whatever started DMENU.BAT. If the #exit command was preceded by batch file text, DOUGMENU.EXE makes a temporary batch file containing the batch file text that was before the #exit command, and then returns an errorlevel of 2 to DMENU.BAT. This should cause DMENU.BAT to launch the temporary batch file without the CALL statement. After the temporary batch file is completed, the user will be returned to whatever started DMENU.BAT. #if <conditional statement> #if_member [!][servername/]<group> #if_username [!][servername/]<username> #if_exist [!]<path> #endif #else All of these function work like their parsing command counterparts, but instead of controlling the parsing of the menu script, they control what statements in the executable text get read. Also, these #if statement can use DougMenu variables as well as DOS environment variables. #floppy <variable_name> Searches through all floppy drives to find a formatted diskette. The drive letter with a colon will by placed in the DougMenu variable specified by the <variable_name> parameter. If no disk is found, an error message appears, and then the user is returned to the menus. #logout The computer is logged out of all Netware servers. This will not exit users from DougMenu. This can cause critical drive mappings to disappear. The execution of the executable text will continue after this command. #password <string> The user is requested to enter a password. If the password is incorrect, the user is informed and returned to the menu. If it is correct, the execution of the item continues. The user input will not be displayed on the screen. #reboot This will immediately reboot the computer when executed. #space <drive> <value> This command checks a drive for free storage space and compares the amount of available bytes in K with the <value> parameter. A value of 10 would mean to check the specified drive for 10k bytes of free space. If there is sufficient free space, the execution will continue past this command. If it is not, the user is informed of the lack of drive space and returned to the menus. [Logging Out of Netware Servers] The #logout execution command provides a facility for disconnecting from Netware servers and is often used in conjunction with the #exit or #reboot command. However, many people have problems because they want to keep DMENU.BAT on the server. After the #logout command, all drive mappings are removed and COMMAND.COM will generate a "batch file not found" error message when you return to DOS. To avoid this problem, you can: 1) If the temporary batch files are placed on a local drive, the following executable text will work: Logout Item logout ;don't use a # before this logout #exit This will create a batch file with the command logout in it and then the batch file will be run from the local drive. 2) If the temporary batch files must be located on the server, DMENU.BAT and all temporary batch files could be located in the login directory on the server. I realize that many people consider these two solutions to be less than optimal. I will attempt to provide a more graceful solution in the next release of DougMenu. But wait, how will you know when the next version of DougMenu is available? Well, register your copy and I'll notify you when it is. ORDER.TXT (v1.77) The freely distributed DougMenu package is still and will continue to be available at no charge. But since I am trying to set myself up as an independent software developer, I need to get money some how. I am making the following services and products available with the hope that some people will find them to be useful. At the end of this document is an order form which can be used to order these products. DougMenu Registration This service is available for anyone who wants to be sure that they are notified when new DougMenu products are available. People who purchase this service will be notified via email or postal mail whenever new products become available. This service lasts for 24 months. (US$30) DougMenu Deluxe Registration This service is just like the regular registration, but instead of just notifying customers when new products become available, I will send the new shareware and freeware products to them on a diskette. (US$100) The DougMenu Manual No more computer printouts, this is a bound 50+ page manual describing how to install, configure, and write menu scripts for DougMenu. It is much more extensive than the text file that come with DougMenu. It comes with a diskette of sample menu scripts. (US$70) DougMenu Source Code I know. I used to give this out for free. I really can't afford to do that any more. But I am still willing to make it available. The source code compiles with Borland C++ 3.1 and the Netware Client API. (US$100) DougMenu Support Service I will answer questions about DougMenu installation, configuration, and script writing via email or telephone for customers who purchase this service. I will also make special customized versions of DougMenu available to these clients. This service lasts for 12 months. (US$50) ***************************************************************** ***************************************************************** ***** ***** ***** DougMenu Order Form ***** ***** (1.77) ***** ***************************************************************** ***************************************************************** Prod.# Description Cost Qty Total DMREG1 DougMenu Registration US$30 ___ _____ DMREG2 DougMenu Deluxe Registration US$100 ___ _____ DMDSRC DougMenu Source Code US$100 ___ _____ DMDMAN DougMenu Manual US$70 ___ _____ DMSUPP DougMenu Support Service US$50 ___ _____ Total Charge: ________ Ohio residents must add 7% state sales tax if they buy the manual. All prices include shipping if applicable. When anyone sends me money, I will send them a copy of the most recent version of DougMenu. Make checks, money orders, or purchase orders payable to Douglas Bell and send them to: Douglas Bell 1726 Coventry Road #3 Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44118-1130 U.S.A. Further inquiries can be directed to: email: telephone: +1 216 371 7772